
Aidan Wachter is an eclectic animist, magician, and witch. His work focuses on magical approaches that produce real change in the practitioner and their reality. Wachter believes that magic is an inherent aspect of the human animal that, when missing or neglected, can lead to pathological states in the individual. These states then ripple out into human society and beyond it. It is his belief that magic can be a tool to re-frame what is possible for a person and, from that position, create better possible futures for all beings. He is the author of Six Ways: Approaches & Entries For Practical Magic, Weaving Fate: Hypersigils, Changing The Past, & Telling True Lies, and Changeling: A Book Of Qualities.

At, explore the Books and FAQ pages for more specific information about Wachter’s perspective. Additionally, a listing of his public appearances can be found on the Recordings page.